Katz, Juniper, Ely, Todd, and Calabrese, Thad. (2025). “Who Determines Where the Sun Shines: The Role of Nonprofit Sector Stakeholders in the IRS Form 990 Redesign.” Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly [in production].

Katz, J.. (2024).“ Safeguarding America’s soil: The Critical role of conservation plans in federal easement programs. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224561.2024.2441646 [article in production]

*Zuhlke, S., Katz, J., and Brinkman, E. (2024). Strike while the iron is hot: Land trusts, temperature anomalies, and agenda setting for local open space referenda. Nonprofit Policy Forum. Published online.  https://doi.org/10.1515/npf-2023-0028

Carter, D. and Katz, J. (2024)[preprint]. Land management policy tools and institutionally-contingent types of goods: Understanding rock climbers’ resistance to and desire for public lands fees and quotas Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. Permanent link

You, J. and Katz, J. (2024). “A Case Study in Vaccine Sharing Across Nations.Journal of Social Equity and Public Administration. 2(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.24926/jsepa.v2i1.5047

Ely, T. L., Katz, J., and Calabrese, T.D. (2022). “Endowment building and use by nonprofits: An integration of theory and practice.” Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 34(2):317-343.

Ely, T. L., Katz, J., and Calabrese, T.D. 2020. “Starting from scratch: Building of meaningful endowments by public charities.” Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Early view. doi-org/10.1002/nml.21410

Olofsson, K.L., Katz, J., Costie, D.P., Heikkila, T. and Weible, C. M. (2018). “A Dominant Coalition and Policy Change: An Analysis of Shale Oil and Gas Politics in India.” Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. Advanced online publication. doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2018.1493984

Katz, J. (2018). “The Space Between: Demonization of Opponents and Policy Divergence.” Review of Policy Research. Advanced online publication. doi:10.1111/ropr.12279

Weible, C. M., Olofsson, K.L., Costie, D.P., Katz, J., and Heikkila, T. (2016) “Enhancing Precision and Clarity in the Study of Policy Narratives: An Analysis of Climate and Air Issues in Delhi, India.” Review of Policy Research, 33:420-441. doi:10.1111/ropr.12181

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Mott-White, J. (maiden name) and J. Ramstetter. (2000). New England Plant Conservation Program and Research Plan: Ludwigia polycarpa Short & Peter. Many-Fruited False-Loosestrife. New England Wildflower Society.

*Indicates co-first authorship